#!/bin/bash # Exits on first failed command set -e # Errors on undefined variable set -u XVA_URL=https://xoa.io/xva # Welcome message printf "\nšŸ‘‹ \033[1mWelcome to the XOA auto-deploy script!\033[0m\n\n" if ! which xe 2> /dev/null >&2 then echo echo 'šŸ”“ Sorry, the "xe" command is required for this auto-deploy.' echo echo 'šŸš€ Please, make sure you are running this script on a XCP-ng host.' echo exit 1 fi # Basic check: are we on a XS/CH/XCP-ng host? if grep -Fxq "XenServer\|Citrix Hypervisor\|XCP-ng" /etc/issue then printf "\nšŸ”“ Sorry, it seems you are not on a XenServer or XCP-ng host.\n\n" printf "\nšŸš€ \033[1mThis script is meant to be deployed on XenServer or XCP-ng only.\033[0m\n\n" exit 1 fi # Initial choice on network settings: fixed IP or DHCP? (default) printf "āš™ļø STEP 1: XOA configuration \n\n" printf "Network settings:\n" read -p "IP address? [dhcp] " ip ip=${ip:-dhcp} if [ "$ip" != 'dhcp' ] then read -p "Netmask? [] " netmask netmask=${netmask:-} read -p "Gateway? " gateway read -p "dns? [] " dns dns=${dns:-} else printf "\nYour XOA will be started using DHCP\n" fi printf '\n' # Default or custom NTP servers read -p 'Custom NTP servers (separated by spaces)? [] ' ntp printf '\n' # SSH account printf "xoa SSH account:\n" read -srp "Password? (disabled if empty) " xoaPassword printf '\n\n' if [ -n "$xoaPassword" ] then printf "xoa account will be enabled\n\n" else printf "xoa account is disabled, to enable it later see https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/troubleshooting.html#set-or-recover-xoa-vm-password\n\n" fi # Downloading and importing the VM printf "šŸ“„ STEP 2: XOA Download\n\n" printf "Importing XOA VM: this might take a while..." if ! { if [ $# -ge 1 ] then # import from file uuid=$(xe vm-import filename="$1" 2>&1) else # import from URL if ! uuid=$(xe vm-import url="$XVA_URL" 2>&1) then # if it fails (likely due to XS < 7.0 but maybe HTTP proxy) # use wget uuid=$(wget --no-check-certificate --no-verbose -O- "$XVA_URL" | xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin 2>&1) fi fi } then printf "\n\nAuto deploy failed. Please contact us on https://vates.tech/contact for assistance.\nError:\n\n %s\n\n" "$uuid" exit 0 fi # If static IP selected, fill the xenstore if [ "$ip" != 'dhcp' ] then xe vm-param-set uuid="$uuid" xenstore-data:vm-data/ip="$ip" xenstore-data:vm-data/netmask="$netmask" xenstore-data:vm-data/gateway="$gateway" xenstore-data:vm-data/dns="$dns" fi # If custom NTP servers are provided, fill the xenstore if [ -n "$ntp" ] then xe vm-param-set uuid="$uuid" xenstore-data:vm-data/ntp="$ntp" fi if [ -n "$xoaPassword" ] then xe vm-param-set uuid="$uuid" xenstore-data:vm-data/system-account-xoa-password="$xoaPassword" fi # By default, the deploy script will make sure we boot XOA with a VIF on the mgmt network networkUuid=$(xe pif-list params=network-uuid minimal=true management=true | cut -d , -f 1) vifUuid=$(xe vm-vif-list uuid="$uuid" params=uuid minimal=true) # Warning: vif-move only works from XenServer 7.1 and higher xe vif-move uuid="$vifUuid" network-uuid="$networkUuid" # Starting the VM printf "\n\nšŸ STEP 3: Starting XOA\n\n" printf "Booting XOA VM...\n" xe vm-start uuid="$uuid" sleep 2 # Waiting for the VM IP from Xen tools for 60 secs printf "Waiting for your XOA to be ready...\n" # list VM IP addresses and returns the first non link local addresses # # IPv6 addresses are enclosed in brackets for use in URL get_hostname() { local address addresses i n IFS=';' read -r -a addresses <<<"$(xe vm-param-get uuid="$uuid" param-name=networks)" # Bash < 4.4 reports unbound variable if array is empty set +u n=${#addresses[@]} set -u if [ $n -eq 0 ] then return 1 fi # Remove prefixes and dedup readarray -t addresses <<<"$(printf '%s\n' "${addresses[@]#*': '}" | sort -u)" for i in "${!addresses[@]}" do address=${addresses[$i]} case "$address" in fe80:*) # ignore link local address unset "addresses[$i]" continue ;; *:*) address="[$address]" ;; esac addresses[$i]=$address done set +u n=${#addresses[@]} set -u if [ $n -eq 0 ] then return 1 fi printf '\n\033[1m' if [ "$ip" = dhcp ] then printf "šŸŸ¢ Your XOA is ready at:\n" for address in "${addresses[@]}" do printf " https://%s/\n" "$address" done else # If we use a fixed IP but on a DHCP enabled network # We don't want to get the first IP displayed by the tools # But the fixed one printf "šŸŸ¢ Your XOA is ready at https://%s/\n" "$ip" # clean the xenstore data xe vm-param-remove uuid="$uuid" param-name=xenstore-data param-key=vm-data/dns param-key=vm-data/ip param-key=vm-data/netmask param-key=vm-data/gateway &> /dev/null fi printf '\033[0m' } wait=0 limit=60 while { ! get_hostname && \ [ "$wait" -lt "$limit" ] } do let wait=wait+1 sleep 1 done if [ $wait -eq $limit ] then printf "\nšŸŸ  \033[1mYour XOA booted but we couldn't fetch its IP address\033[0m\n" fi printf "\nDefault UI credentials: admin@admin.net/admin\n" printf "\nVM UUID: %s\n\n" "$uuid"